EU Sport policy
The activities of DG EAC in the field of sport are outlined by:
- The European Union Work Plan for Sport (2017-2020)
- The White Paper for Sport
- The Communication on Developing the European Dimension in Sport.
What are the Commission's responsibilities for sport?
EAC is responsible for the development of evidence-based policy in the field of sport, as well as fostering cooperation, and managing initiatives in support of physical activity and sport across Europe, notably through the Erasmus+ programme.
As the executive arm of the European Union, the European Commission is held accountable to the European Parliament, namely, in the case of DG EAC, the Education and Culture Committee.
What are Commission activities in sport?
DG EAC has three main areas of activity in the field of sport:
- Integrity of sport - in particular promoting good governance including the safeguarding of minors, the specificity of sport, combatting corruption and match fixing, as well as fighting doping;
- The economic dimension of sport – in particular innovation in sport, and sport and the digital single market;
- Sport and society – in particular social inclusion, the role of coaches, education in and through sport, sport and health, sport and environment and sport and media as well as sport diplomacy
What are the next steps?
In addition to the Erasmus+ programme, which provides a variety of activities to promote the role of sport in society, DG EAC will be managing other initiatives to increase the role of sport in society.
Erasmus+ Sport chapter
The Sport Chapter in the Erasmus+ Programme aims to support European partnerships on grassroots sport in order to pursue the following objectives:
- Tackle cross-border threats to the integrity of sport, such as doping, match fixing and violence, as well as all kinds of intolerance and discrimination;
- To promote and support good governance in sport and dual careers of athletes;
- To promote voluntary activities in sport, together with social inclusion, equal opportunities and awareness of the importance of health-enhancing physical activity, through increased participation in, and equal access to sport for all.
Focus is to be given to grassroots sport.
The following actions in the field of sport are implemented through the Erasmus+ Programme:
- Collaborative Partnerships
- Small Collaborative Partnerships
- Not-for-profit European sport events
Erasmus+ also supports Actions to strengthen the evidence base for policy making (studies, data gathering, surveys, etc.), to promote the dialogue with relevant European stakeholders (the EU Sport Forum, EU Presidency events, conferences, meetings, seminars, etc.). They are implemented by the European Commission either directly or through the Executive Agency.
The Actions in the field of sport are expected to contribute to the implementation of the European Week of Sport, initiative launched by the Commission to promote sport and physical activity in the European Union, in the light of declining participation levels.
Erasmus+: Sport Collaborative partnerships
Collaborative Partnerships offer the opportunity to develop
- transfer,
- implement innovative outputs
- engage into intensive dissemination and exploitation activities of existing and newly products
- promote innovative ideas in different areas relating to sport and physical activity.
Collaborative Partnerships innovative projects aimed to:
- Encourage participation in sport and physical activity especially by supporting the implementation of the EU Physical Activity Guidelines, the European Week of Sport;
- Promote education in and through sport with special focus on skills development, as well support the implementation of the EU Guidelines Dual Careers of Athletes; voluntary activity in sport;
- Combat doping, notably in recreational environments; match-fixing; violence and tackle racism, discrimination and intolerance in sport;
- Improve good governance in sport;
- Encourage social inclusion and equal opportunities in sport.
Collaborative Partnerships involves at least 5 organisations from 5 different Programme Countries. There is no maximum number of partners. However, the budget for project management and implementation is capped (and equivalent to 10 partners). All participating organisations must be identified at the time of applying for a grant.
Erasmus+: Sport Small Collaborative partnerships
Small Collaborative Partnerships will allow organisations to:
- develop and reinforce networks;
- increase their capacity to operate at transnational level;
- exchange good practices, confront ideas and methods in different areas relating to sport and physical activity.
Small Collaborative Partnerships will in particular aim at ensuring the continuity of Preparatory actions 2013 and are, in particular, projects aimed to:
- Encourage social inclusion and equal opportunities in sport;
- Promote European traditional sports and games;
- Support the mobility of volunteers, coaches, managers and staff of non-profit sport organisations;
- Protect athletes, especially the youngest, from health and safety hazards by improving training and competition conditions;
- Promote education in and through sport with special focus on skills development.
Small Collaborative Partnerships should promote the creation and development of transnational networks in the field of sport. The EU can thereby provide opportunities for strengthened cooperation among stakeholders, which would not have existed without EU action. Small Collaborative Partnerships should also foster synergy with, and between, local, regional, national and international policies to promote sport and physical activity and to address sport-related challenges. Small Collaborative Partnerships should include at least one local or regional sport club. They involve at least three organisations from 3 different Programme Countries. There is no maximum number of partners. However, the budget for project management and implementation is capped (and equivalent to 5 partners). All participating organisations must be identified at the time of applying for a grant. Activities must take place in the countries (one or more) of the organisations involved in the Collaborative Partnership or Small Collaborative Partnership. The Commission, through its Executive Agency, will carry out one selection round over the year.
Not-for-profit European Sport events aim to support:
- Volunteering in sport;
- Social inclusion through sport;
- Gender equality in sport,
- Health-enhancing Physical Activity (HEPA)
- Implementation of the European Week of Sport
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